The New Hands Free Law Is In Effect: Here’s What You Need To Know

hands free

The Hands Free Law, otherwise known as House Bill 673, took effect July 1, 2018. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you don’t get pulled over:

  • Drivers may not hold a phone in their hands or use their body to support it.
  • A driver may not send or read any text-based communication unless using voice-based communication that automatically converts message to a written text or is being used for navigation or GPS
  • A driver may not write, send or read any text messages, e-mails, social media or internet data content
  • A driver may not watch a video unless it is for navigation.
  • A driver may not record a video (continuously running dash cams are exempt)
  • Music streaming apps can be used provided the driver activates and programs them when they are parked.  Drivers cannot touch their phones to do anything to their music apps when they are on the road.  Music streaming apps that include video also are not allowed since drivers cannot watch videos when on the road.  Drivers can listen to and program music streaming apps that are connected to and controlled through their vehicle’s radio.
  • The hands-free law does NOT apply to the following electronic communication devices and the following devices can be used by the driver when on the road:  radio, citizens band radio, citizens band radio hybrid, commercial two-way radio communication device or its functional equivalent, subscription-based emergency communication device, prescribed medical device, amateur or ham radio device, or in-vehicle security, navigation, or remote diagnostics system.
  • A driver can touch their phone to dial number and receive calls.
  • The hands-free driving law states that a driver shall not “record or broadcast a video” on any mobile phones, iPads, computers, etc. while operating a vehicle.

